Celebrate The Season:


Stories by Allen Morgan

Art by Vladyana Krykorka

Six stories - 72 pages

Winter Solstice Tree (part 3)


Now it happened one year not so long ago that Winter came here after Fall went home and the weather began to turn cold. Megan was happy the Seasons had changed, she kept thinking about all the fun she would have when the ice and the snow began. She went down into the nearby ravine to look for Winter, and after a while Megan found her.

"Am I ever glad to see you again," she told her old friend.

She gave her a great big hug even though it was shivery cold to hold her that way. Winter was glad to see Megan too, but she looked a little bit worried.

"What's the matter?" Megan asked her.

"I haven't seen The White Wolf for days, I've called and called but he stays away and I don't know where he's gone," she explained.

Megan knew the White Wolf well, he was Winter's best friend. He stayed with her wherever they were and he liked to chase after the icicle sticks that Winter made with her Magic Tree staff.


"Is he lost?" Megan asked.

"He is till he's found," Winter replied. "Maybe he'd hear if you helped me call. Two voices sound much louder than one. Do you still know his song?"

Megan remembered it very well, so they sang and clapped and whistled and yelled just as loud as they could for the White Wolf to come and they hoped that he would hear them:


continue on to part four of Winter Solstice Tree story

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